The Church of the Primacy of Peter as seen from the Sea of Galilee
John 21, records that along the shores of the Sea of Galilee, Jesus appeared to his disciples for the third time after His resurrection During the previous night, Peter and several disciples sailed out on the Sea of Galilee to fish, but after much effort had caught nothing. In the morning, following their failed attempts, a man appeared on the shore and called out to them to throw their net on the right side of the boat. Obeying, Peter and the disciples cast their nets once more and this time caught so many fish they couldn't drag the net back into the boat.
At that point Peter recognized Jesus, and promptly jumped out of the boat to wade to shore to meet him. The other disciples followed in the boat, dragging their net behind them. When they landed, Jesus had prepared a charcoal fire for the fish and provided bread, and they shared breakfast together (John 21:9).
This event is believed to have taken place on the mensa Christi, a large rock incorporated in the chapel. (see below).

A plaque adhered to the exterior wall of the chapel
There are natural rock steps on the exterior of the chapel that they venerate as being the steps that Jesus took on that post resurrection morning. In the picture below, you will see the steps, but also a little Rock Badger that was entertaining us all.
"We as Christians can also learn a lot from the rock badger. This small, fiesty animal (also called a coney or hyrax) knows exactly where to go when danger comes.
The large tattered crags jutting up from the mountains form a perfect hiding place for the badger. For example, if an eagle decides to swoop down and capture this fiesty little animal for a meal, he is protected by the rock. The eagle would virtually have to tear the entire mountain apart to get to its prey!
The large tattered crags jutting up from the mountains form a perfect hiding place for the badger. For example, if an eagle decides to swoop down and capture this fiesty little animal for a meal, he is protected by the rock. The eagle would virtually have to tear the entire mountain apart to get to its prey!
Another way the rock badger avoids danger is by camouflaging himself to the color of the mountain. Therefore, if a lion is on the prowl for lunch, the badger goes undetected and remains safe and secure because he dwells in the safety of the rocks. However, if the badger carelessly wanders away into the grassland, he is a wide-open target. Thus, the apostle Peter urges us to "Be sober, be vigilant; because our adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about seeking whom he may devour" (I Peter 5:8).
The most courageous badger in the world is no match for even the smallest lion! Fortunately, the badger is wise enough to know that his strength lies not in what he can do, but what the mountain's shelter can do for him.
If you have the brains of a badger, you'll figure out where your strength lies -- in the "firm foundation" (II Timothy 2:19) of the mountain being Jesus Christ who is the Rock of our salvation. "Be strong in the Lord," the Scripture urges us, "and in the power of His might" (Eph. 6:10). That's right! It's not by (our) might, nor by (our) power, but by His Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts" (Zechariah 4:6)."
We gathered in the shade of trees along the shore to hear Mark Wesson read the Scriptural account of the interaction between Jesus and Peter.
I have always loved contrasting Peter's denial of Christ three times with Jesus' three questions, "Peter do you really love me?" Can you imagine how Peter must have felt, realizing that he was confessing his love for the Lord after such failure?
I am encouraged by the Greek translation of that conversation as it sheds more light on the interaction. Peter do you love me with self sacrificing love, Peter do you love me with self sacrificing love? Peter do you even love me like a brother? Jesus is wanting us to be willing to love Him with what we have - brotherly love - and He will transform it into Agape, self sacrificing love. May it be so with me, Lord.
Our friends, Anna Grace and Harrison found a tree to climb!
Beautiful view across the Sea of Galilee
Just beyond the trees we walked a few feet to the shore of the Sea of Galilee. This was such an exciting time. We all really wanted to wade on out and swim in this beautiful (and COLD) lake. We shed our shoes, rolled up our pants, and enjoyed the cool, clear, refreshing water.
First Steps in the Sea of Galilee
It was amazing to realize that Jesus had fished here, taken boat rides across these waters, walked on water here, calmed the waves during a storm, taught and called his disciples along these shores, fed 5000, and spent time ministering to people around this lake. Life changing!
Beth Anne found some lovely rocks and even a fresh water crab!
John Luke wonders how high he can roll his pant legs up - and how deep he can venture!
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